Never Never Land

Never Never Land

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Leaving tomorrow

Tomorrow at 7:00am I get on a flight at Seattle airport for Cancun, Mexico with a one way ticket my travel plans are open.  Once on the plane I will be sitting next to Ben who starts his day in Anchorage, Alaska.  Ben & I will meet up with Zach & Marieke in Belize in a few weeks.  We set off on a journey to capture countless awe inspiring moments with friends and fellow travelers.  I'm only taking a small backpack with camera equipment, slackline gear, hammock, and limited clothing.  I intend to make the most of a 6-8 month departure from the U.S.  I hope to partake in some Voluntourism, Scuba DivingZip lining, & Slacklining. This is the adventure I have been waiting for.  Live vicariously through this blog, let it be your motivation to explore the world.

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